A few words about

What We Do

Our projects

Our organization is involved in promoting human rights, combating torture and promoting democracy in iraq and iraqi kurdistan region!

Democracy & Human Rights Development Center (Known As DHRD) Is A Non-Governmental, Non-Political & Non-Religious Independent Organization, Which Believes In Principles Of Human Rights And Rule Of The Law, Works For The Creation Of Civilized Environment In Iraq & IKR, Where Democracy, Respecting Human Dignity And Rights, And The Law Prevails Without Any Discrimination!

Organization Vision and Mission:
Vision: Establish equality and justice.
Mission: Consolidate the basic principles of human rights, and establish principles democracy and equality in accordance with international standards.

 Organization’s objectives:
1.       Establishing the basic principles of human rights and protecting human dignity.
2.       Establishing the principles of civil society, tolerance, social cohesion, equity and equality before the law
3.       Working for changing the laws in a way that is compatible with human rights and democratic principles.
4.       Establishing the rule of law and protecting the independence of the courts


DHRD implement educational projects and programs to help raise educational levels and awareness of the citizens, the volunteers, the stakeholders and the relevant authorities including local polices on different issues including human rights, women’s human rights, child rights, peace and tolerance, the principles of decracy and civic values targeting both iraq and iraqi kurdistan region!

Health care

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